Primary Healthcare

UCF Texas provides comprehensive primary care services to medically underserved and uninsured communities. Our primary care model focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. From diagnostic testing to an expert referral, we ensure the best mode of treatment for every patient. Our primary care services are available for all patients round the clock to cater their health needs under one roof. Moreover, we have fully equipped labs with the latest technologies and devices to ensure the accurate diagnosis and a right plan of treatment to get early recovery. Having a proper primary care consultation keeps your treatment going in the right direction. With a multitude of facilities along with highly skilled and caring medical professionals combined with affordable health care packages, make us unique among other healthcare providers in Greater Houston Areas. Our health professionals speak local languages and treat every patient with due respect, integrity and ensure privacy and confidentiality at all levels of care. So, whether you have an injury, a wound, or symptoms of any illness, our primary healthcare center would be your first choice to get immediate care, attention, right diagnosis and treatment without waiting for hours in long queues. Through state-of-the-art health facilities, our primary care physician and paramedics take care of every patient and make consistent follow-up till the patient is fully recovered. units will make an initial diagnosis with diagnostic tests and/or consultation. Patient education and counseling is one of the main objectives of our organization, for which we work on all scales by collaborating with the stakeholders in the healthcare sector and giving time to every patient to respond to their concerns. Not only that we treat the patients, but we guide them about managing their health better by themselves, afterward too.



Why Choose UCF Health Clinic?


UCF Texas is a non-profit organization working to increase healthcare access to all, addressing social determinants of health and improving quality of life of particularly the medically underserved communities, so we prioritize patients over profits.

State-of-the-art Facilities

Every tier of operation of UCF Texas is complete in its facilities. The use of the latest technologies and equipment streamlines the processes, making the services more convenient and effective for the communities we serve.


Our mission is to make healthcare accessible and effective for all, especially for the underserved and uninsured populations.

 Availability All Year

Our clinics are open Mon-Sat from 9:00-5:00pm to provide timely healthcare solutions..



Why is primary healthcare necessary?

Rushing to the specialists for treatment is not always the most effective solution; studies show that primary care makes a significant positive difference in patient care, managing co-pays, reducing hospital admissions and saving healthcare costs.

Preventative Health

At UCF, one of our main focuses is preventive care. It ensures reduced risk of diseases by conducting routine diagnostic tests and regular checkups. A study showed that adults in the USA who receive primary care have a 19% lower risk of premature death than those receiving specialist care only. Preventive care is very potent in overcoming harmful diseases.


Primary care physicians are trained to check the overall health of the patient. Specialists have one focus area of specialization, whereas primary healthcare physicians know many things about critical diseases. So, they adeptly recognize less threatening or minor problems and distinguish conditions that need primary care attention only. Moreover, they refer the patient to the most relevant secondary care unit or healthcare practitioner if they need it.

Insurance Plan

We accept all insurance plans and also offer a Care Credit facility enabling our patients to pay off their liabilities with comfort and peace of mind.